How to Beat the January Blues

How to Beat the January Blues

How to Beat the January Blues

Getting back into the swing of things

Cold dark mornings, going back to work, the exciting Christmas season is over; it’s no wonder that January is often seen as the dullest month of the year. Here’s some tips on how to beat the January Blues.
How to Beat the January Blues

Our Advice

Get as much daylight as possible

It’s a scientific fact that we are likely to feel the effects Seasonal Affective Depression when the days are shorter and darker, due to the lack of vitamin D we are getting from sunlight. Unluckily for us Brits, there are limited amounts of sunlight during the winter months, and many of us leave for work in the dark and get home in the dark, but there are still many benefits of getting out to feel some natural light, such as heightened mood and a more consistent sleep cycle. Even a short walk every day on your lunch break can help to lift your mood during a seemingly bleak month.

Don't pressure yourself to fulfil resolutions

We are all guilty of setting unrealistically high expectations for ourselves at the beginning of a New Year, whether it’s losing weight or trying to unlearn certain habits. Remember to set small, measurable goals so that they are more easily achieved, thus avoiding disappointment. We are not new people overnight, so take your time to fulfil your resolutions and don’t pressure yourself too much during an already difficult time of year.

Try something new

Resolutions don’t have to be losing or quitting something! Why not try something new, such as learning a language, picking up a hobby, adding more exercise into your daily routine or even taking up a different form of self-care.

What Brite Recruitment can do to help

If a new job is going to help you to kickstart your year, consider using a recruitment agency to do all the hard work for you! Here at Brite, we are recruiting for clients across the UK and in various sectors, take a look at our roles now to find out more!

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