Content Block: LinkedIn Post Ideas

Everyone says to post consistently on LinkedIn to see results. They rage about finding a schedule that works for you, or posting 3-5 times a week. But what happens when you have content block?

Ever find yourself staring at that blank screen, desperately trying to conjure up content ideas? Well, you're not alone! Posting consistently is the secret sauce to success, but let's face it, coming up with engaging content can be as tricky as finding your keys on a Monday morning! We have all been there!

So, to help you with that content block, we have some top tip posts for your LinkedIn:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Recruitment Agencies

Create a Top Tip Carousel:

Sometimes, all it takes is a carousel of wisdom! Share bite-sized tips in a visually appealing carousel. It's like a mini masterclass that your audience can swipe through. Pro tip: Make it fun, informative, and sprinkle a bit of your personality on each slide. But don’t go crazy with graphics and colours, perhaps stick to a select few that comply with your brand.


Shout Out People to Follow:

Spread the love and give a shoutout to fellow LinkedIn connections or influencers who inspire you. It's a win-win – your audience discovers new faces, and you get to build a community vibe. It may even boost your outreach if one of these LinkedIn stars engages with the post!


Share Your Workspace and Why It Works:

Let's get personal. Take a snapshot of your workspace and spill the beans on why it's your creative haven. Whether it's the cozy corner or the motivational wall art, let your audience peek behind the scenes. Then you can invite people to share their top workspace tips and tricks, to really get the conversation going.


Share How You Learned from Your Mistakes:

Embrace the oops moments! Share a mistake you made and the valuable lesson you learned. It humanizes you, and your connections will appreciate the authenticity. Plus people are more inclined to engage with a kindred spirit.


Create an Industry Poll:

Everybody loves a poll. Craft a question related to your industry, current trends or burning questions. It not only engages your audience but also provides valuable insight.


Ask Your Connections for Some Advice About a Problem:

Why not utilise the network that you have worked hard to build? Pose a problem you're facing and invite your connections to share their wisdom. It's a fantastic way to foster engagement and build a sense of community.


Discuss a Recent Industry Update or News:

Be the news-breaker in your network by offering your opinion on the newest industry trends and news. It positions you as a thought leader and keeps your audience in the loop.


Reintroduce Yourself to Your Audience:

Has it been a while since you said hello? Well then do a reintroduction post - share a fun fact or a recent achievement. Remind your audience why they hit that 'Follow' button in the first place.


Share Your Personal Success Story:

Share your story, as others may relate or be inspired. Whether it's overcoming a challenge or reaching a milestone, share your success story. It motivates your audience and adds a personal touch.


So, there you have it – some top ideas to hack your LinkedIn feed. Next time you're stuck on that blank post box, have a look at these ideas to get the cogs turning. And if you have any other tips or tricks, we would love to hear about them!

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